Monday, May 01, 2006

FRIDAY - the last one

(if I cant sort it out: this is last fridays post that I accidentally deleted)

Internet has been bad lately - so apologies

Woke up for my 10am Logic seminar

A veggie burger in Falmer bar (by mistake - i ordered a backon cheese burger) at 13:30Dinner was pasta with mince and onion and tomato sauce.

Currently eating a yellow bell pepper, to which i am mildly allergic and can feel my throat swelling to. but they have a sweet taste and it is all that i have to nibble on.

I watched a film: DAMAGE : today, it wasnt a good film but had a freaky and compeling idea behind it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very sorry to see you were eating a yellow bell pepper and not a yellow ball of paper as i origionally read, not sure how you would have found out that you were alergic to yellow paper.... charlie