Sunday, February 19, 2006

This weekend i was in london:

Friday eve I had liver and bacon with rice. Then went to Mook for a few glasses of wine.

Saturday i had a lunch of cold meats followed by lasagne dinner, I then went to Bar Lazy near London Bridge and had some wine before going to a Thai restaurant nearby.

Sunday I had a buffolo stew lunch followed by a few beers in the pub.

And hear I am sunday eve about to cook homemade beefburgers! Adios...


Anonymous said...

eat your heart out.

Xander said...

"I have no heart because a she-devil stole it! Think I'll spend eternity in the city, Let the carbon and monoxide choke my thoughts away"

Anonymous said...

home is eating braised goat this evening. On your return to London home will feast with you upon braised heart. A she devil may have stolen your own, but your dearest mama, who is all assuaging, will give you thus new heart. Take care upon whom you bestow your heart: take heart, my dear, and put your heart in your books.