Monday, February 27, 2006


Well that was a good way to kill time and made some cheap, easy and delicious food!

Having pronounced it a triumphal success and not a messy failure - Thanks go to Madsen for the idea, recipe and step-by-step instructions (which were required and re-read at most stages).

"This kind of quiche should be learned by students as a basic survival dish. It is quickly and easily prepared, quite impressive to serve, you can put virtually anything into it, and it is very inexpensive to make." - Madsen

What will be next? Who knows!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the 1950s every schoolgirl had to write an essay 'The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Is the Hand that Rules the World':discuss. Naturally, every year the essay was a little different.

For the 21st Century, recast the essay: the hand that wields the rolling pin gets real men eating quiche.

Remember that fish requires no cheese. Build on this success with moules, using the cooking liquid instead of milk.