Monday, February 06, 2006

Friday seminars on "Concepts in International Relations"

Last week the background music for this seminar was the Lord of the Rings soundtrack (she couldn't find any Gypsy music - she was polite enough to apologise). We explored Nationalism by imagining setting up a fake nation... yuh...

The week before we listened to "Barbarian music" Inca - the sounds of the Andes. While we explored cultural differences, I had to explain for 5minutes why I wouldn't marry 3 wives (too expensive).

The first week she didnt understand why the computer wasnt playing music (I pointed out it had no speakers). This meant it was easier to concentrate while we "deconstructed things down to a personal level". Mainly these were issues in asia, based on one fanciful anecdotal account by a certain Amy Chau...

What will this Friday's theme music be? I canna wait...

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