Saturday, July 08, 2006

Zagreb Night

Left the Dorm i was staying in because there was a freaky Belgium guy. Wandered around the corner and went into a tiny bar, the tiny ones are the best because there are no tourists. Higher chance of social interraction with the locals... even if they just rob you.

On the TV was a comedy, a man was in hospital being resucitated with one of those electric thingies but the Nurse, dressed only in her underwear, was so hot that he kept having heart attacks so the Doctor had to drag the Nurse into the cupboard... It was highbrow stuff.

Got talking to the locals, One of them fought in the Croatia - Yugoslav war, he got 2 medals. He has a son who is 25. He buys me beers, then we go somewhere else and get more beers then we go somewhere else and get more beers... there is a pattern (and i dont get robbed - i thought that was inevitable but no), then i go to the Dorm and say hello to the Belgium guy, hes freaky. It poured hard with rain.

In an hour my train leaves for Rijeka.

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