Friday, June 23, 2006

First day in Budapest

Ok, its been done... this isnt a qwerty nor is it an azerty keyboard. I thought that was bad enough... this is an qwertz keyboard and i hate keyboard people even more...

Enough on that.

My first day in Budapest is going well. I have gone to St Matthias church and seen the Crown of St Stephen and a few other things, the church itself - previously Ottoman until theyleft and it was churchisised again. see... culture... some people may like to know i am keeping a diary of this trip... not a la Pilkington (oblique reference most of you wont get... but i know some will) Ö <-- wots that? damn keyboard...

Also saw the palace - on the outside, located St Stephen`s basilica and the parliament. I visited the parliament a few hours after i landed at 1am ish... it was nice in the dark and near where i am staying. As i got near a guard woke up from a flowerbed he was sleeping in and pretended to be alert whilst yawning, Bush was in town after all... vigilance a must'.... they have stolen the exclamation mark.... um... searching... ! voila!

Well here is me prattling on like a school girl, not eaten much local cuisine yet, a burger king... though last night i did have some local crepes, well crepes stuffed with things england knows not of.

Ill leave it there now, more later!

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