Friday, September 08, 2006

Reuters event

Eric and I went to see the US ambassador talk at a Reuters event last night.

Highlights include a very intersting talk with the following quotations:

Iraq: "suggling to adapt". "job is far from over", "struggle ahead"

Terror: people are "looking for reasons" & "demanding answers" the real reason is NOT the US. And those people harbour a pre war view which is a "fantasy held by those who forget he world wasn't safe before" 9/11 was "last straw not start"

Us and Universal "interests treated with disdain". "consequences must be serious", "cooperate and be part of the solution. hold back and be hope to the lawless"


"Nothing will change the fact that there is an enemy among us"

"we must continue to defend ourselves by arms but the war will be won by ideas" - very cold war....

After the talk we enjoyed a very pleasant reception - staying until everyone had gone - at one point I went into the room where the special branch officers were and borrowed some of there food (I asked and had a chat with them, anyway they weren't eating it).

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