Thursday, November 23, 2006


Today was LONG. 9am seminar followed by a dash to london and lunch with family followed by seeing Jo for a leisurely beer. This was then all capped by thanksgiving proper. A few more beers and then champagne, chowder, turkey and all the usual american style veg. The pumpkin pie which topped it all was superb and i indulged in 3 portions even though i'd already had a 2nd helping of turkey! More champagned followed once we had sufficed on the madira and cigar front. I'm currently on the train from victoria to Brighton and am aiming for a 1am ETA at the Arc club for a social.


Anonymous said...

did you make it?

Anonymous said...

yes I did. And got home after the club at around 4.... then slept all day until I got outta bed around 5pm.

Anonymous said...

top effort!
Out of interest do you live in the waiting room at Brighton Railway station? I'm sure the decorations and leaflets on the wall look familiar...