Saturday, September 29, 2007

Prawns for Lunch

Prawns fried with 3 cloves of garlic, black pepper and then lightly covered in mayonnaise then served in romaine lettuce leaves and eaten with the hands like lettuce sandwiches... mmm.

Hardly a bad price

Currently on half price at £3.99 this wine is rather good value. Then take into account that if you buy 6 bottles (or more) Sainsburys give you 25% off, you end up with a bottle of wine around the £3 instead of it's regular £7.99. Weighing in at 13.5% it packs a punch without being too strong; It tastes pretty good too...

Massive pasta

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Test Photo

Finally my phone is back from the repairs and seems to be in good order.

Saturday, September 08, 2007


The main reason i'm not updating my blog very much is because my mobile is currently broken and being repaired... as such I can't take good photos and blog them quickly.

it's been over a week now so I expect my phone back any minute...

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

New Look

I have re-vamped the image of this blog and added a counter to see if anyone reads it, as I have done almost nothing else in many months I doubt it will tick over particularly fast.