Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Yesterdays Lunch

Chicken wrapped in bacon and stuffed with cheese and asparagus. Very nice, but i doubt its traditional hungarian food... If only i could read the menus i wouldnt just point and hope for the best! Cost? 2GBP inc. beer.

Street Theatre

The picture below is from a street performance that i stumbled upon. The plot was quite easy to follow though i think i missed out on a minor sub plot, damn language is crazy.

It gets quite arse-slappingly raunchy. the girl in the photo below gets her arse slapped alot by some old man, but the guy she really likes is the one she appears to be felating below.


Monday, June 26, 2006

Silly Bavarian-looking man with impressive pole...

At the weekend I went to... looking at some stupid hungarian name i've written down... some music festival.

It were massiv... ai... entrance was about 8GBP (no pound sign on silly foreign computers) and the beer was about 50p a pint. I also tried some "Magyar Palinkaház" which is their national drink, it comes all all kinds of flavours, i think i had apricot with honey.

It seems to go to Romania i have to go back on myself and that sounds annoying so i might screw romania and go to Ukraine. I know nothing about Ukraine, Kiev is the capital right? Thats about it, didn't it have an Orange revolution? Viktor Ushenko and Victor Yanukovic... or something... popular unrest over lack of improvements from the guy they revolted to get in office... great... maye i go somewhere else. I dunno... i'll probably go Ukraine - i've never been...

Friday, June 23, 2006

First day in Budapest

Ok, its been done... this isnt a qwerty nor is it an azerty keyboard. I thought that was bad enough... this is an qwertz keyboard and i hate keyboard people even more...

Enough on that.

My first day in Budapest is going well. I have gone to St Matthias church and seen the Crown of St Stephen and a few other things, the church itself - previously Ottoman until theyleft and it was churchisised again. see... culture... some people may like to know i am keeping a diary of this trip... not a la Pilkington (oblique reference most of you wont get... but i know some will) Ö <-- wots that? damn keyboard...

Also saw the palace - on the outside, located St Stephen`s basilica and the parliament. I visited the parliament a few hours after i landed at 1am ish... it was nice in the dark and near where i am staying. As i got near a guard woke up from a flowerbed he was sleeping in and pretended to be alert whilst yawning, Bush was in town after all... vigilance a must'.... they have stolen the exclamation mark.... um... searching... ! voila!

Well here is me prattling on like a school girl, not eaten much local cuisine yet, a burger king... though last night i did have some local crepes, well crepes stuffed with things england knows not of.

Ill leave it there now, more later!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Future

On Thursday I fly to Budapest and I am Couchsurfing for at least the first few nights. I have also packed my trusty hammock, tarpaulin and mozzy net in case I decide to camp or am forced to burglarize a public park to sleep in.

I also plan to visit the Gundel Restaurant, the most expensive in all of Hungary I'm told, as the Menu and ambiance looks eye-watering... So I may have to pack a jacket, shirt and trousers as well... I'm traveling lightly but powerfully, by which I mean the bare essentials to live in a forest, a change of clothes and a couple of credit cards in case I decide to change lifestyle.

If only I had a plan rather than deciding to go for a potter around the area, still - no rush! I can't help remembering the Monty Python Hungarian phrase book sketch... their language is completely unlike anything else i've ever read!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Its been a week but...

NOW MY EXAMS ARE OVER [hazzahs are in order].

However, on the 22nd I am off to Budapest [one way ticket, but I will be back!)

I'm sure I will be writing about Hungary's (et al) cuisine but i'm guessing it will be sporadic. Read all about it here!

Alternatively read all about it on anotherfoodblog.com where my sporadic writing will be spaced out by more regular contributors!

(today I had a ham and cheese bagel and yesterday's Chicken curry again and will probably make myself a ham and cheese toasty).

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Apparently - never trust online tests

You Are 82% Evil

You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I'm just going to skip the last few days; sunday and monday. I only ate scraps and was busy avoiding revision.

This morning I woke at 7:15 and had a coffee and a shower followed by a sausage and bacon sandwich.

I then stretched a bit and went to my 9:30 exam. It went "well" as in I covered approximately the right amount of paper with ink. The time seemed to end just as I finished reading both essays through - the content however I shall leave to be judged by the professionals.

After my exam I lay in the sun - pretty much all day. I ate a bowl of instant noodles for lunch and made a large and rather spicy Chicken Madras for dinner.

Exam tomorrow on Explanatory Concepts in Political Science. It is at 2pm so I shall start revising tomorrow morning.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Saturday was nice and sunny, I lay in the sun until I was starving and then I made an omlette with cheese and beans on toast. Thus:

In the evening we had a BBQ, Robin cooked, Ewan provided most of it and I helped eat!

Friday food!

On friday whilst watching Threads - mentioned below. Sam, Dave and I ate this pie which I made:

Friday, June 02, 2006

Crisis of Identity

Yes this is a food blog... just haven't written about food for a week...

Yesterday I made a chicken pie, it was very good. Sam, Dave & I partook of it and might fine it was to. We were watching Threads at the time which is about a Nuke being dropped on Sheffield/England... It wasn't very light hearted.

More food soon! [It is the 'exam' period though and i'm busy looking busy].

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Teachers - historic.

Teachers, at schools I have been to, often said in the first few weeks of term: "i don't know what school you used to go to - but we don't tolerate that here" worst still they could say "what school did you go to" - promoting your naively proud resoponse - only to then reply "well we don't tolerate that here". Damning stuff.

Is that the same as saying to a foreign guy you live with: "i don't know where you come from but in england we do our washing up". Just a thought.

(N.B. while i do live with some foreigns chaps they are the good ones and do clean theire mess away)